A little about me...
My name is Ondrea. Yes, with an "O". It's pronounced like Andrea, but with "On" instead of "An". I'm a mom of two. One girl, one boy, both wanted and extremely loved. I'm also a wife, daughter, sister, friend, aunt, employee, puppy owner, errand runner, appointment setter, chauffeur, shoe finder, hairdresser, laundress, boo boo kisser, chef (well, maybe we should go with cook) and the list goes on and on.
My husband and I met in high school, dated on and off until we married in 2009. By then, I think we both realized that no one else could put up with us better than the other and we didn't have the desire to put up with anyone else. As a side note, I love him very much. Our marriage isn't perfect but, we are perfectly imperfect together.
We struggled with infertility and after 3 years, a lot of anguish, doctors appointments and money spent, we were blessed with a beautiful daughter we call Tyler. A few years later, with more stress and fertility treatments, we had our son, Nolan. I may touch on this in the blog, but this isn't something I plan to focus on.
I would never change being a mom. I asked to be a mom. In fact, for years, I cried each month I wasn't. I wanted this. I love my babies, but damn it isn't easy. I'm just here to share me, my perspective and my experience in this mommy mayhem. So, grab a cocktail and join me.
A very special thanks to my husband, my family and all my friends who love and support me every day.